Fibromyalgia trigger points: what’s behind them?

What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease that causes pain throughout the body. Those affected who live with fibromyalgia sometimes suffer greatly from the disease and many find the …

Stefanie’s experiences with HelloBetter stress and burnout 4 min reading time Unfortunately, when Stefanie (41) looked for a psychotherapy place, she only received rejections. Then she became aware of the …

If you suffer from mood swings

What is meant by mood swings in psychology? Mood swings can vary from person to person and can vary in severity. Your mood may fluctuate several times a day or …

Dilator training for vaginismus and dyspareunia

What are vaginismus and dyspareunia? Vaginismus is a sexual dysfunction in which the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina involuntarily spasm, making insertion painful or even impossible. Dyspareunia also manifests …