Everything you need to know about safely using microdosing to enhance focus & productivity.

The Ultimate Guide To Microdosing For Focus & Productivity

This guide is for educational purposes only and not intended as medical advice.  If you have a serious clinical condition, please consult a mental health professional.


A microdose is a small, sub-perceptual dose of a psychedelic medicine. The two most common substances used for microdosing are LSD and psilocybin mushrooms.

Microdose of LSD:

8-12 micrograms

See more on how to prepare LSD here

Microdose of psilocybin Mushrooms:

0.1 – 0.3 grams dried  mushrooms

See more on how to prepare psilocybin for microdosing here


A high dose of psychedelics can be destabilizing for some individuals. A microdose is sub-perceptual––it is not what many would consider a “trip” and you will not feel “high”. It is a low-risk approach you can integrate into daily life.



LSD: Generally more energizing and motivating. It gives a gentle, uplifting boost and can help people with depression get out of the “hole” they may find themselves in.

Psilocybin: Generally makes you feel more connected and grounded. Many find it better for anxiety and emotional healing.

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The Ultimate Guide To Microdosing For Focus & Productivity


In daily life, we have a “default mode” we use to engage the world. It is made of several interconnected areas in the brain. Neuroscientists call this “Default Mode Network” or DMN. This is your brain’s network of habits, thought patterns, and unconscious beliefs.

Bestselling author Michael Pollan uses the metaphor of ski tracks: Our mind often gets stuck in the deep ruts of old ski tracks. We think the same thoughts, repeat the same actions, and can’t see solutions to our problems.

Psychedelic medicines give your mind a “fresh layer of snow”. This gives you the freedom to go in new directions and create new, more positive “tracks” in your brain.



Have you ever unconsciously checked social media on your smartphone? Gotten up from the desk to open the refrigerator when you aren’t hungry? Found yourself in imaginary conversations when you should be focused on your work?

This is your DMN in action. These are habitual, unconscious actions with a neurological momentum all  their own.

Psychedelics lower activity of the DMN1,2. They make the “nagging voice” and other unconscious thought patterns quieter. This can have a powerful effect on your ability to focus on the task at hand   and  get  things done.

There are no definitive clinical studies on microdosing and focus or productivity. However, there is compelling data. Pioneering researcher Dr. James Fadiman3 collected self-reported microdosing data for over 10 years. Year after year, people reported increased productivity and ability to focus.

A 2019 study followed 1,181 microdosers4 for 6 weeks. It found significant decreases in “mind wandering.” This is a psychological measure of thoughts that disrupt focused productivity. Lower mind-wandering is linked to increased deep focus (“absorption”), better educational outcomes, alertness, and happiness.


While there is no definitive clinical data, microdosing appears to have few risks. However, in cases of serious mental illness, microdosing could have unpredictable, adverse effects. We do not recommend microdosing if you have a history of schizophrenia, psychosis, bipolar disorder, or severe anxiety.

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The Ultimate Guide To Microdosing For Focus & Productivity


INTENTION: Psychedelics tend to amplify what you focus on. When you create a clear intention, you prime yourself to experience positive results.

SET AND SETTING: Create a relaxed, comfortable environment for yourself. This includes your physical, social, and internal environments. Microdosing in a poor environment or an upset state can lead to a negative experience. Take care and choose the situations in which you    microdose.

LESS IS MORE: You shouldn’t feel “high” when you microdose. Higher doses can temporarily increase symptoms of anxiety and mental disturbance.

START LOW AND GO SLOW: Finding what works for you is a process of discovery and refinement. Start with low doses and slowly increase to find your optimal dose.

TIMING: It is best to microdose in the morning because it can disturb your sleep patterns. Microdose no more than 2-3x per week with at least two days between doses. This way, you can observe the effects and avoid building up a tolerance.

TAKE BREAKS: Every 6-8 weeks, take a break from microdosing. Assess how things have shifted since you started. This also helps prevent becoming psychologically dependent on it to “feel good”.

The Ultimate Guide To Microdosing For Focus & Productivity


Microdosing for focus and productivity can be game-changing and give you a powerful edge in your work life. But there is much more to getting sustainable results over the long-run than we can cover in a simple guide.

Microdosing is a tool, not a magic pill. Like any tool, you can use it skillfully or carelessly. As with many things, the best way to get meaningful results is with expert  guidance.

If you would like to take your microdosing journey to the next level, we invite you to check out the Third Wave Microdosing Course here.

You’ll get a step-by-step, science-based system for your first 30 days of microdosing specific to focus, creativity, leadership, and accelerated personal and spiritual development. You also get exclusive access depth-videos, proven integration techniques, interviews with psychedelic thought leaders, and much more.

Dive deeper with Third Wave’s Microdosing Course


  1. A systematic study of microdosing. Polito, V, 2019. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6364961/
  2. Psychedelics, Meditation, and Self Consciousness, Milliere, et al., 2019.    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137697/
  3. James Fadiman, The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide, 2011.
  4. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0211023

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