LSD and sex: is that even possible?

Author: Konstantin Neumann


6 January 2024


Reading time 5 min

It’s getting spicy! Today we want to talk about a slightly different and yet hotly debated topic: sex and LSD . The question is: Is that even possible? Anyone who has ever drunk to their thirst knows that even then it’s not that easy. Because even if your libido hasn’t completely disappeared yet, you still need a minimum of your five senses together in order to actively practice mattress sports. At the latest under the influence of psychedelics you have to ask yourself whether hallucinations are compatible with sex and if so – what influences what? Are the hallucinations the sex or the sex the hallucinations? We’ll look at the topic of sex under LSD from all (colorful) sides, so stay tuned!

Sex on drugs

Some drugs, such as MDMA , are already known to have a positive effect on sexual feelings and the need for sex. The feelings of connection triggered by MDMA actively promote social interactions and make it easier to open up. Together with the pleasant physical sensations and the increased sensitivity to stimulation, a fertile basis for (good) sex is laid here. Even small to medium amounts of alcohol seem to be beneficial, while larger amounts probably make people rarely think about sex. With cocaine, on the other hand, at least for male specimens of our species, there is often a loss of stability. While occasional cocaine use significantly increases the sex drive, long-term use can reduce libido and lead to erectile dysfunction. In general, stimulant drugs tend to have a positive effect on libido, at least in “moderate” amounts. However, anyone who is currently on a full trip usually has other thoughts. In addition, frequent drug use is known to have a strong impact on our general health and often causes lulls in our sex life.

Despite the potential negative consequences, drugged sex appears to be a popular combination. There’s even a name for using drugs during sex: chemsex . Not only are common party drugs such as MDMA and LSD taken for sex, but also much more dangerous substances such as meth and G (liquid ecstasy). The goal: more endurance and more intense orgasms. The result: dependency.

LSD: Sex or no sex – that is the question

But what about sex after taking LSD ? LSD , like MDMA, binds to the 5-HT2A receptors in the brain and influences our serotonin system. Intensified perception and a stimulating effect on the body are also part of the symptoms here – regardless of the psychedelic effect. LSD can also increase the desire and need for sex due to its positive effect on physical arousal. However, since visual hallucinations and spiritual experiences come to the fore, especially in the first half of the trip, you quickly forget the thought of sex after taking LSD. Only when the peak (the climax of the trip) is over and you start to come back into your body more does the need for physicality become more intense. In this second phase of the LSD trip, sex is possible and is described as indescribably intense, beautiful and sometimes strange. What generally applies to taking hallucinogens also applies to sex on LSD: you should be able to get involved in whatever comes.

The effect of LSD during sex: A cosmic orgasm

The intentions behind consuming hallucinogens can vary greatly. Some hope for colorful, kaleidoscopic visions, for others the spiritual expansion of consciousness is in the foreground. Especially if you can get involved in the experience, you have the opportunity to see yourself from a completely new perspective. The boundaries between yourself and the universe blur and dissolve and LSD often leads to the experience of “ego death”, i.e. the disappearance of the subjective self. You are no longer just a person, but the entire universe. You are everything there is, one with the world. This experience can be calming and frightening at the same time. Together with the intensified physical perception, there is the opportunity to explore sex in a completely new way under the influence of the LSD effect . You become one with the other, every touch and every movement suddenly becomes the focus of perception. The emotional connection to your partner is also strengthened in these moments. Experience reports also describe that the loss of self-awareness makes it feel as if you are becoming one with your partner.

What is particularly emphasized in many descriptions is the orgasm on a cosmic scale: orgasms are no longer sensations limited to individual areas of the body, but extend across the entire body and beyond. They are also experienced as much longer and more intense. However, since LSD (also during sex, of course) strongly influences the perception of time , it is difficult to say whether the orgasm actually lasts longer or whether it only seems that way due to one’s own distorted perception.

A cosmic orgasm

Sex and LSD: Yes, that works

In short: Yes, sex and LSD can be combined. However, before you resort to hallucinogens for your sexy self-experiments (by the way, you can do this legally in our shop with our LSD derivative ), there are a few little things to consider:

  1. LSD is not entirely harmless . Because it intervenes in the serotonin system in the body, undesirable side effects such as paranoia, anxiety and psychoses can also occur. In our blog post we explained the dangers of LSD in more detail .
  2. LSD can lower the inhibition threshold . This makes you more willing to take risks or act beyond your own limits. This does not always have to be something negative, but you should be aware of it before consumption.
  3. Statistically speaking, consumers have an increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Among other things, this is due to the fact that under the influence of psychoactive and psychedelic substances, the logical mind is sometimes more, sometimes less active. Safer-sex-sachtheheitities are then gladly thrown out of the window together with the condom. If the condom is used: Please note that the LSD also dries out the mucous membranes and the condom can tear more quickly due to the increased friction. At best, think of lubricant before the trip.
  4. A positive sex experience with LSD is not guaranteed. LSD is unpredictable and unpleasant experiences can occur. Even if the trip goes well, the LSD can cause unusual and strange sensations during sex. So you should be prepared for anything.
With the right preparations, LSD sex can also work

Sex on LSD – worth the hype

Sex on an LSD trip can be an exciting and mind-altering experience. You can get closer to yourself and your counterpart, open up fresh perspectives and get to know the world of your own sexuality in a completely new way on LSD. The most important basis for a positive experience: trust in your counterpart. You should be able to let go and both parties should feel comfortable in each other’s presence. In addition, you have a better chance of having good sex with LSD if you have already had some experience with the psychoactive substance. This way you can approach the topic with more confidence and enjoy the new experience on all levels.
20 september 2019

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