
All Services

  • “The journey through the Shamanic worlds”
  • “The Art of Intention”
  • “The creation of objects of Power
  • “The spiritual aspect of money”
  • “Meeting your totem, the power of shapeshifting”
  • “Healing practices of shamanism”
  • “Ancestral power, communion with the souls of the dead”
  • “The power of lineage – the energy of the lineage”
  • “The power of lineage – the purification of 7 generations of the lineage”
  • “The power of lineage – the prosperity of the lineage. Spirit of money”
  • “The power of the lineage – the destiny of the lineage, the adoption of the power of ancestors”

In addition, through work with the subconscious she solves such serious problems as hereditary diseases, celibacy wreath, various phobias and much more.

Shamanic consultations
can be a turning point in your life. They will help you not to lose and even increase your savings, and perhaps even save your life.

Often people are at a loss because over their problems and life situations. In today’s technogenic and urban world, many people have lost touch with their intuition and inner wisdom that can help you live a full healthy and happy life. An individual shamanic session works wonders: it can awaken our inner strength and open the eyes of our soul. After all, shamanism is communication with the subtle world, the world of spirits that live among us.

Individual consultations and sessions are recommended in addition to attending seminars and workshops.

A request for consultation can be any issue that you pay special attention to in your life: problems and conflicts that you cannot solve, issues that have long haunted you, or goals that you pursue. According to your requests and needs, there are different types of individual sessions, a selection of which can be found here. Be sure to email us if you need a individual session, ritual or consultation on your personal matter. We are sure shamanism can help in any affairs.


Thanks to the ability to see the world of spirits and communicate with them, the shaman will tell you what spirits are in your aura. In particular, the shaman sees which spirits can give you strength, and which are destructive and are the source of disease. Similarly, your shamanic abilities are diagnosed – from what world and from what spirit you received your soul Syur and what your life purpose is. Also, the shaman will talk about relationships with living as well as deceased relatives.

On all these points you will be given practical advice that will help you in your next steps and decisions. For example, you will learn how to strengthen contact with spirits-helpers or get rid of destructive spirits, what exercises you need to do in this case, how to change your lifestyle, how to develop your abilities and what magical rituals are necessary for communication with good spirits


The shaman can perform an individual ritual for you, to help you to get rid of diseases of the physical body. During the ceremony, the shaman uses his ability to communicate with the spirits to negotiate with them for the return of your health.


This powerful shamanic ritual helps to cleanse the entire family tree: the roots as a symbol of ancestors, the trunk representing living relatives, and the crown as the future generation of the family. If the family has problems such as infertility, insanity, poverty, addiction, constant quarrels and conflicts with relatives – these are signs that the family tree needs help. This ritual frees from such problems and troubles, and reunites with the guardian spirit of your family that will help resolve the most problematic situations.


Spirit-helpers are creatures of the subtle world that support, protect and give strength, which accompany you as invisible friends. During this ceremony, the shaman enters the spirit world to find a suitable spirit-helper. Through this ritual, the connection between the person and the lost spirit-helper is re-strengthened or contact with a new spirit is established. Often they are spirits of wealth, beauty, health, etc.


The destiny of a person has several levels – your tasks in this life and in this incarnation (in society and in personal development), the tasks of your soul for a number of lives (the accumulation of what mental experience is required of it) and the global tasks of your soul for all mankind.

This shamanic session helps to reveal the basic talents and abilities of a person that are innate, but hidden and not used because of emotional trauma, stress or parenting mistakes. During the ceremony, the shaman turns to the higher spirits to ask to accompany this person on the path of his or her destiny


Во время такого сеанса шаман наблюдает за состоянием чакр, изучает их на предмет нарушений, что влияет на ваше физическое и психическое здоровье, и дает рекомендации насчёт соответствующих корректирующих действий. В результате этого ритуала у вас раскрываются индивидуальные способности, которые изначально есть в каждом человеке и должны развиваться — прежде всего для разрешения кармических вопросов и эмоциональной реализации.


If the conversation between you and the deceased family members has not ended or you have not had the opportunity to ask forgiveness from one of them during their lifetime, the shaman can use this ritual to establish contact with the deceased from your family. Perhaps you as a relative feel that the soul of the deceased asks for help. Maybe something has not ended properly, and the soul cannot rest in the afterlife. In this case, the ritual of communication with the deceased is also recommended to settle the case.

Why are the seminars given on a payment basis?

According to the laws of shamanism and the laws of the universe, the shaman follows the cosmic law of the donation. That means that the seminar participants should make a donation for the knowledge obtained at the seminar.


Spirits help those people who make an effort for obtaining their help, i.e. make donations. Money is a sacrifice for the knowledge. This is done for proper exchange of energy during the seminar. The shaman conducts a seminar and brings to you not only knowledge but also a lot of energy personally accumulated through daily practices, long-distance expeditions, and serving to higher goals and higher forces. Therefore, the energy exchange has been established to protect your lineage and your family, as well as to make sure that the shaman is healthy and safe.

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