Ретриты, церемонии и события (архив)

Ретриты и церемонии


18.06.2022 Fire-Ceremony and Picking


Mushroom Ceremony


Шаманская церемония фотографии

Community meeting and ceremony


15.06 19:00 – Community meeting and a small picnic (English garden Munich). 

 In case of bad weather at my home.


Greetings my dear friends, finally I have the opportunity to hold ceremonie in December.

10.12 19:00 Salvia Divinorum small Ceremony and community meeting.
“The Aztec-called gods sage, also called fortune telling sage”.
• New experience • Get answers to your questions from Salvia
* 3 Days Diet is important.
* exclude Mao inhibitors https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/what-are-mao-inhibitors#foods-to-avoid


13:00 mushroom Ceremony and Meditation

Comment: Was good experience. Powerful energy. Love for all in this world ❤️🍄 I had wonderful dreams today, freedom in our world 🌎🙏


08.01 Mushrooms Ceremony 🍄🙏
* We start at 13:00.
* 3 Days Diet is important.
* Small group – max 7 Places.
* exclude Mao inhibitors & Tyramine. https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/what-are-mao-inhibitors#foods-to-avoid
Voluntary contribution: 50-150€ (visa, mastercard, ec, etc. possible)

09.01 16:00 Community Meeting & small ceremony 🔥 * No Diet needed. * For free.


Magic mushrooms ceremony in Munich. We start at 15:00. 0 places left. for free.
It’s important to make a diet before ceremony.
1-3 days before: no meet, sweets and sex 😉

Mushrooms better take on empty stomach, so not too much food on the ceremony day 13.11. Better 3-4 hours no food and please no milk, soya, overripe fruits – because some produce a substance that does not get along well with mushrooms, it should be a pleasant journey 😉

P.s. please take headphones, blanket, water, food, etc.some more clothes to change. After ceremony, I will try to drive you home, or to the U/S-Bahn. (21-22:00)

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