PRIVATE TREATMENTS by appointment. Ceremonies, energy work, trance healing, shamanic clearing, shamanic protection and amulets, etc.

Dear psychonauts,
the month of May is a month of extreme contradictions. Again and again we are exposed to great turbulence at all levels. Often the world seems to be holding its breath from tension. But then moments of hope and confidence come again. That is why it is important for all of us to always anchor ourselves in our own center, to align ourselves and to go into deep trust.

What we are all allowed to keep in mind is that the collective is always the sum of the individual. That’s why it’s more important than ever to always be responsible for yourself in May.

May is about realigning the world. When we all realize that the butterfly wings that can change the world is the energy that each of us sends out, it becomes clear how important it is to be mindful in each moment.

Let’s work together on your wonderful energy with a trance healing session or shamanic energy work!

PRIVATE TREATMENTS by appointment. Ceremonies, energy work, trance healing, shamanic clearing, shamanic protection and amulets, etc.

Have a good day.

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