Ketamine Treatment Guide for Mental Health

Ketamine therapy helps to reduce depression and other psychiatric symptoms.

What is Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (KAP)?
Ketamine itself has physiological effects that appear important for antidepressant and other therapeutic effects.

KAP is a method where low to moderate doses of ketamine are delivered with the intention of altering consciousness to facilitate psychotherapy. A therapist sits and talks with a client as they experience ketamines, and after the effects wear off.

Ketamine Positive Effects!
drowsiness, dissociation (body dissociates from the mind), out-of-body experiences or illusions, changes in perception or cognition or emotion, vivid imagery, visual hallucinations or distortions, altered auditory perception and proprioception, mood enhancement, ego dissolution, transcendence of space and time, mystical experiences, experiences of death and rebirth, muscle relaxation, pain relief, feeling of awe and wonder.

Ketamine Negative Effects!
anxiety, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, paranoia, dysphoria, distorted perceptions of body and self, loss of coordination, disorientation, confusion, double or blurred vision, blunted affect or emotional withdrawal, increased blood pressure and heart rate, increased intraocular eye pressure, muscle trembles or jerks, decreased concentration, recall, recognition, and mental sharpness, psychological distress, accidents (falling, car, etc), decreased conscious breathing (though unconscious respiratory drive is preserved), or laryngospasm (an involuntary contraction of the vocal folds that can impair speech and breathing.

Ketamine can also induce undesirable or negative effects. For example, unsupervised use of ketamine carries a greater risk of accidents, such as falling or car crashes.

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