CBG Cannabigerol – Medical cannabis and mental health

CBG CBG Cannabigerol - Medical cannabis and mental health
CBG Cannabigerol – Medical cannabis and mental health

CBG (Cannabigerol) is a very special cannabinoid known as the “mother cannabinoid” because all other cannabinoids, including CBD, are originally from it. It is extracted from young cannabis.

CBG acts as a powerful motivation and concentration booster. It allows you to focus on tasks without distractions, creating a state of flow. This cannabinoid has an effect on anandamide levels, responsible for focus, through interaction with CB1 and CB2 receptors.

🐝 CBG also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, improves sleep quality and relieves pain. No psychoactive effects.

CBG acts as a neuroprotectant, preventing the occurrence of diseases associated with brain aging. It has favorable effects on memory and concentration.

Scientific studies confirm CBG’s significant anti-inflammatory effects, making it useful for treating chronic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other conditions.

According to recent studies, CBG has the highest potential among all cannabinoids as an antibiotic. It is the absolute leader among the 16 cannabinoids analyzed in terms of antibacterial effects.

Scientific studies have shown that CBG can inhibit the multiplication of cancer cells and stimulate immunity, block the synthesis of tumor-causing proteins, and reduce the nutrition of neoplasms.

Research proves the effectiveness of medical cannabis, including CBG, in treating heavy depression. At the 16th Annual Symposium on the Effects of Cannabinoids in 2006, CBG was found to act as an antidepressant and antipsychotic.

🐝 Other effects of CBG:

Reduction of intraocular pressure
Appetite stimulation
Reduction of anxiety
Anticonvulsant effect

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