Cannabis & increasing entheogens

The most important effect that cannabis can have when using another psych*odelic-entheogen is to amplify its effects!

The spirit of cannabis is able to manifest visions that other plants or mushrooms. But you must take this plant before, and then intensify its
spiritual potential with cannabis.

If you are going to work with two plants at the same time, then you
you have to have a clear understanding of the psychedelic effects of each plant separately
separately before you use them together. If you’ve never
used cannabis for spiritual practice, then take one puff and
sit in silence to familiarize yourself with its effects or its
spirit. That way you’ll have a clear idea of how the plant is going to
the plant will interact with you and what to expect from it.

There are times when you need to work only
only with one plant or mushroom, so you can only interact
with its energy. It’s not really about which plant to use for spiritual practice.
to use for spiritual practice, it’s about how you use it. The power of
of intention decides more even than the plant itself. If you have the power
of intention, then any additional plant spirit energy will only work
only to realize that plant, that is to realize the power of your

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